Wednesday 29 February 2012

He is Real.

It was amazing! He came into my room and it got really cold and he was smiling and he held out his hand and I took it and it was really cold but I didn't mind and he brought me downstairs... and um he apparently killed my parents... Well not parents but... He killed them. I didn't really want that... I guess they did kind of deserve it. They were really mean just like everybody else. We're going to go see Karin now! Hear that Karin? He is real and now we're coming to get you.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


It's snowing outside! It must be him! It is winter but still it has to be him! HE'S HERE! He's going to take me away and bring em to the heart of winter and I'll meet Claire and John and everyone and we'll all be friends forever and we'll go see that meanie Karin and I'll be like I TOLD YOU! and she'll be all sad and stuff and oh my god he's here!! Wait brother is leaving? Where are you going brother? You'll be back though right? I... I don't want to meet him alone. Not because I'm scared or anything I just want you to meet him too! Alright fine. Come back soon brother.

Eeh! I hear singing it really is him! Bye!

Monday 27 February 2012

I hate it here.

Please come soon I can't take it anymore. I was in school today and Karin and her stupid friends apparently found this blog and now they're making fun of me for believing in all this fear stuff. They say you'll never come for me that you don't exist but they're wrong. I know you exist and you're going to come get me. Please come soon though. I can't take being here much longer.

Um when you do come to get me do you think we could go teach Karin a lesson too? I really hate her.

Sunday 26 February 2012

I'm still waiting

Where are you cold boy? It's been almost a whole day since I called you. I don't want to be here anymore I can't take it please come soon. My brother has been showing me more blogs especially ones about you. Are they all true? I hope so. I really liked you in that spoon one but my favorite was that one with the Doctor worm guy. The heart of winter sounds so beautiful and nice. I really want to see it please take me to see it cold boy. I'm waiting for you I don't want to wait any longer.

Saturday 25 February 2012

To The Cold little boy.

Hi my name is Megan.

I'm 12 years old.

My older brother used to read these things called Fear Blogs and he told me all about this little boy called The Cold Boy. He apparently comes for lonely people.

I'm lonely. Very lonely. I don't have any friends. My brother used to be my friend and he would tell me all these interesting things but he died recently. The angel took him away. My parents don't believe me when I say that though. They tell me not to make up stories. Well... they're not really my parents. They're actually the people who live next to my actual house. I don't live with my mommy anymore. She went to a hospital for crazy people and I've been living with the people next door til she gets out cause daddy went off to war. They're not very nice and I miss mommy and daddy. Anyways I'm lonely and I created this blog thingy with my brothers help. Well not my real brother he's dead remember. He's sort of like my brother's ghost. He told me how to make this blog. Anyways I made it to call The Cold Boy. I don't want to be lonely anymore. Please come be with me. My brother says you'll just kill me but I don't believe that. I think you just take all the lonely people away somewhere were we can all be together and we'll all be friends. If I'm wrong I'll just end up with my brother so no big deal right?

Please come play with me snow boy. I don't want to be alone anymore.