Sunday 1 April 2012

He lives on Drury Lane

The Muffin Man brought me into an alley way and then suddenly pushed me against the wall and threatened to stab me in the throat with his hands. I noticed that he continued to show no damage from contact with my skin. He waited. I knew he wasn't really going to kill me. He was trying to get "Brother" to come out. Obviously "brother" knew the same thing though since he didn't show up. He let me go a few seconds later with a sigh. Well they told me to try and threaten you at least once. I knew it wouldn't work. Now it's time to try things my way. Come on we're only a few steps from his territory. I asked him who "His" was and he told me it was The Angel. As soon as we exited the alleyway on cue a number of men with the triangle symbol showed up. They all had guns and were aiming at The Muffin Man. He simply bowed and stepped back. He was offering them to me. Immediately the thought occurred to me that he was seriously offering to let them kill me in the hope that "Brother" would come. A tiny voice told me he must have a plan in case "brother" doesn't come but I wasn't so sure. The guns shifted till they were pointed at me. They seemed hesitant but eventually one of them fired. The bullet tore into my leg and I fell to my knees. There was no pain. None at all. It was frightening I was so used to pain that this sudden absence terrified me. I saw The Muffin Man raise his head his entire body rigid with shock. More bullets launched at me and he lunged stepping in front of the bullets. At the same moment a shadow rose from the ground in front of us both.

I must have closed my eyes. When I opened them pieces of guns, bullets and bodies littered the ground around me. I was all alone. The Muffin Man's Mask lay on the ground near me. His body wasn't one of those on the ground. I was pretty sure he wasn't dead.

"Brother" had appeared and saved me again then they had both disappeared. I took the mask and ran back through the alley. No idea where I was heading just running for the sake of getting away.

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