Thursday 22 March 2012

Pleasant Conversation

I was getting annoyed by this man's constant blathering and ducking of every relevant question so I decided to just outright ask him. The result was a little disturbing.

TCS: Where are we going?

Man: Where you belong.

His voice changed when he said that sounding suddenly serious and a little threatening. I was a little worried but pressed on.

TCS: Right do you know what's going on?

Man: The Fears are playing games and the humans are trying desperately to stay on the board.

TCS: That... That's not really an answer...

Man: Would you prefer if I told you that the humans and some of the fears want you dead and the only thing keeping you alive is the monster you call brother and the psychopath back there painting pictures.

Yeah that... what?

TCS: So you're planning to kill me?

Man: Not at all.

TCS: But you just sai-

Man: Next question little girl we're running out of time.

TCS: Why did the person in the bodybag look like my brother.

Man: Not that question ask the important question.

TCS: Who was in my house?

Man: The shadows are searching. Stop wasting time.

TCS: Um which fears want me dead?

Man: The Cold one and The Angel

TCS: If the cold boy wants me dead why did he make me a servant?

Man: Your "brother" made a deal.

TCS: What is my brother?

Man: Next question.

This was starting to annoy me even more than it scared me.

TCS: Who are you.

Man: *Laughs* That's the important question but you're not asking it quite right. Be more specific.

I thought for a bit.

TCS: What's your name?

Man: That's the important question. You know my name you've always known my name but my name isn't important. The only important name is his...

Instantly there was someone in the passenger seat. I recognized him from my brothers description. Black suit and gas mask. It was The Angel. He turned to the backseat and pointed a gun in my face. I wasn't sure a gun could kill me but if The Angel thought it could he was probably right. I was panicking but, just as I heard the trigger click I felt myself falling backwards and heard a loud bang.

The bullet soared overhead. The car had been sliced in two and the backseat with me in it was falling away as the front careened sporadically forward. The backseat eventually stopped and immediately brother was in front of me. He took off my seat belt and dragged me away.

I don't think I lost consciousness there's just a large chunk of memory gone involving everything that happened after. Of course because of the memory loss I don't know where I am now. My head hurts. It could be hours or days since that happened. I doubt it's been days though. All I know is I'm somewhere well lit. I'm typing this on a new laptop that was provided to me. They told me to write this. So I did. Now they'll let me sleep for a bit.

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